Payal Dhar

All Stories by Payal Dhar
- Tech
A Jurassic Park-inspired method can safely store data in DNA
DNA can store all types of data. An amber-like material can now protect its information long-term — or release it on demand for short-term use.
- Tech
Robotics might someday give us an extra hand
We could control a bonus limb with the movements of our diaphragm.
- Health & Medicine
Period blood could help diagnose diabetes and other illnesses
A new test for diabetes is the first diagnostic tool based on period blood. But it may be just the beginning.
- Space
Here’s how to build an internet on Mars
Future Red Planet residents will need to get online to talk to each other and Earth. But that will require a lot of new tech.
- Humans
Explainer: What is autism?
Autism is not a disease, but a description used to characterize a certain type of brain development.
- Tech
Human teleportation? This century we’re stuck doing it virtually
If teleportation is defined as being transported instantly to another place, then it’s already happening — via extended reality and holograms.
- Space
Four researchers on Earth are spending a year on ‘Mars’
A crew of four entered Mars Dune Alpha in Houston, Texas. They will remain isolated inside for a year, living and working as if on the Red Planet.