Scientists want to create a sort of Noah’s Ark on the moon
Climate change is threatening Earth’s biodiversity banks. A lunar “ark” would safeguard seeds and cells against changes happening on Earth.
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Climate change is threatening Earth’s biodiversity banks. A lunar “ark” would safeguard seeds and cells against changes happening on Earth.
Treating cork with lasers made the material able to quickly sponge up oil while repelling water, scientists in China and Israel found.
Used to cook food and heat homes, this potent greenhouse gas accounts for 30 percent of the warming of our climate.
Microplastics made from fossil fuels take centuries to disappear. But the plant- and algae-based plastic can break down in weeks to months.
Pollutants that build up in night air can break down the scents that attract pollinating hawkmoths to primrose blooms, disrupting their pollination.
When dipped in indican and exposed to sunlight, yarn turns a deep blue. This process is more eco-friendly than the current denim dyeing method.
Soil erosion washes pollutants into streams and rivers — but plants may help limit that.
Carbon capture technology tackles climate change by stomping out carbon dioxide at the source.
Flint, Mich., residents still show health impacts long after a switch in their drinking-water source exposed them to toxic lead and other pollutants.
Lead has been linked to lower IQ, behavior problems, mental-health disorders, strokes and more health impacts. There are ways to reduce your exposure.